Black Gold.
Over the past 12 years the German coal industry has been steadily
declining with the widespread use of nuclear power and other more eco-friendly
power generating alternatives being called upon. From Modern training mines to
steam winders from 1928 to the cages rooms of the Kaue, these desolate
buildings are being torn down or just left to rot with a very select few being
saved by enthusiasts for renovation into museums. Here are a selection of images
that best show the innovative engineering and architecture these industrial
cathedrals enclose so that if and when this important chapter in the history of
modern day Europe ends, these will
stand as a reminder of what was over 100 years of industrial
declining with the widespread use of nuclear power and other more eco-friendly
power generating alternatives being called upon. From Modern training mines to
steam winders from 1928 to the cages rooms of the Kaue, these desolate
buildings are being torn down or just left to rot with a very select few being
saved by enthusiasts for renovation into museums. Here are a selection of images
that best show the innovative engineering and architecture these industrial
cathedrals enclose so that if and when this important chapter in the history of
modern day Europe ends, these will
stand as a reminder of what was over 100 years of industrial